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In This Episode:
Happy new year! Adults set new year's resolutions all the time, but what about kids? But to be honest… grown-ups rarely stick to their resolutions, so let’s not set kids up for failure. Let’s teach them how to create meaningful goals they can really achieve!
Welcome to Episode 31 of Dyslexia Devoted and today we’re focusing on goal setting!
Show notes: parnelloeducation.com/episode31
This Episode's Topics:
- Why do we set goals?
- The importance of letting kids see you set goals
- Helping Kids Set Goals
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Dyslexia in Schools Mini-Course
- Goal Setting Template (also below)
Connect with Lisa Parnello:
- Follow on Instagram @ParnelloEducation
- Facebook.com/ParnelloEducation
- Dyslexia Devoted Facebook Group
Vision Board 2022 Mentioned in the Episode: